- Converting modules to Backdrop from Drupal 7 (official documentation)
- Porting a Module to Backdrop – Basics (YouTube video by Backdrop co-founder Nate Haug a.k.a. quicksketch)
- Backdrop change records (official list of important changes from Drupal 7)
- Instructions for applying to the Backdrop contributed project group on GitHubBackdrop core repository on GitHubMain Backdrop CMS site (including links to download the code or spin up an automatic Backdrop demo site)
- Backdrop CMS: Setting The Record Straight (recent Drupal Watchdog article by Backdrop co-founders Jen Lampton and Nate Haug)
- How to Maintain Contrib Modules for Drupal and Backdrop at the Same Time Part 1, 2,3Backdrop CMS – Setting The Record Straight
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